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How the Illusion of Soulmates Shattered My Existence

Updated: at 03:10 AM

Embrace the notion of relinquishing the pursuit of soulmates for the sake of a content and harmonious relationship.

An epistolary metamorphosis altered the very fabric of my being.

An unprecedented missive from an enigmatic stranger across vast oceans. I could have effortlessly consigned it to the oblivion of deleted messages, for who sends unsolicited missives? The nascent email services of our respective universities seemed an improbable conduit for fortuitous connections. Yet, she had reached out to me with a simple salutation, “hello.” A chance encounter, seemingly innocuous, yet imbued with serendipitous delight.

Though we resided in disparate worlds—myself in Southern California, she in Southern India—our hearts and spirits soared northward, united in their celestial ascent. What appeared to be an inadvertent and vacuous electronic exchange was in fact the machination of ethereal forces, weaving an intricate tapestry that entwined two strangers. Our tale of love commenced with a solitary email, which burgeoned into a profusion of fervent correspondences, where our souls bared themselves unreservedly.

The spirits had orchestrated our idyllic love story, birthed in the realm of virtuality, only to manifest itself with my pilgrimage to India a mere three weeks hence. Cupid, artful marksman, had unleashed his arrow, ensnaring both of our hearts. Thus began our international romance, destined to unfold over the subsequent two years.

Can Cupid err, perchance?

We were enraptured by one another. Concealing our clandestine tryst for three weeks, we shielded it from prying eyes and nosy Indian families, as I traversed the globe to meet her. Yet, as the subsequent years of courtship unfolded, we discovered fissures in our personalities and values. Our modes of communication and conflict resolution diverged markedly.

We attributed our disparities and incompatibilities to the vast expanse separating us—differences that arose from our divergent time zones and geographical separation. Our elixir for all tribulations lay in togetherness. By uniting in matrimony and cohabitating, we believed that our petty grievances would recede, vanishing like ripples dissipating into an inky ocean. Under moonlit shores, we envisioned ourselves dancing in perfect accord.

In the end, against all odds, we had found one another—a needle in a haystack. We were descending into love, consumed by a desire to be with each other. Cupid, ever infallible, never errs. Soulmates are a rarity, reserved for a select few.

Ultimately, we would proclaim our vows, traversing vast oceans to forge a blissful future, for we were irrevocably linked as soulmates. Or so we thought.

Transoceanic Vistas and Colliding Souls

It was only upon her relocation to my shores and our eventual cohabitation that the tempestuous nature of our union became evident. She and I were each other’s first loves, unacquainted with the intricacies of cohabitation. Swiftly, we discerned the stark divergence in our personas. I, an introvert, savored the solace of our home, immersed in contemplation. She, an extrovert, yearned to explore the world, craving the embrace of the masses.

Our arguments resonated at different decibels—I, an advocate of silence; she, an exponent of vocalization. Whilst I adhered to stoic silence, she verbalized her thoughts with fervor. This dichotomy gnawed at us, causing trivial quarrels to escalate into monumental disputes. In the aftermath of a disagreement, I aspired to swiftly resolve our disputes, deferring in-depth discussions to a later time. Alas, she insisted upon immediate discourse following moments of contention.

Despite our numerous differences, we clung to the unwavering conviction that our union would prosper upon the attainment of professional achievements, acquisition of larger abodes, and the advent of children.

We were soulmates, and in due course, our existence would bask in an ethereal radiance. We dismissed all present tribulations as mere milestones on the path to a resplendent rendezvous with the future. After all, the universe had united us for a reason, had it not?

Do soulmates part ways, perchance?

When our marriage reached an impasse, we decided to temporarily live apart, its dissolution not yet contemplated. It was merely a juncture for introspection and reassessment. Yet, when we reconvened after six months of individual sojourns, we arrived at divergent conclusions. She discerned that our paths were not meant to converge in perpetual unity, and consequently, she embarked upon her independent voyage.

I, however, was flabbergasted. Divorce, I believed, was an enigma that eluded the realm of soulmates. This turbulence we experienced was ephemeral, I presumed, as I pleaded for our reunion, a valiant endeavor to recalibrate our union and restore its former equilibrium.

When she gracefully, yet firmly, declined my overtures, and our divorce proceedings reached their culmination, I could have relinquished my grasp and embarked upon a new voyage. However, such is not the path of soulmates. Though our conversations faltered, and our encounters ceased, she continued to occupy my every thought and inhabit my dreams. Regret coursed through my veins, compelling me to undertake self-improvement, motivated by the sole purpose of reuniting with my soulmate. Unlike the majority who deem divorce the final, immutable denouement, I perceived it as a transient interlude, within which the soulmates persevered, candidly anticipating reconciliation.

The Perilous Ensnarement of Soulmates

Throughout our courtship, marriage, and even during the waning embers of our relationship, we tenaciously clung to one another, besieged by the termites gnawing at the foundations of our union. How could we sever our ties when we were inexorably and unequivocally destined for each other, fated to remain united until life’s end? Life, akin to an aircraft navigating through turbulence, would test our fortitude with hardships, but we were nonetheless steadfast, confident of arriving at our final destination unscathed. Such were the convictions of soulmates—enduring through adversity, emerging resplendent on the other side.

Yet, alas, reality diverged from our fervent beliefs.

It was our persistent belief in the construct of soulmates that shackled us to an unhealthy and dysfunctional liaison. Our union, upon closer scrutiny, revealed itself to be a dissonant melody, bereft of harmony.

The title of soulmates offered no solace, engendering instead a process of mutual soul extraction.

The Fallacy of Soulmate Belief

If you harbor a belief in soulmates, or harbor aspirations of encountering one, what I am about to convey may disconcert you. Embrace the unvarnished truth—that the concept of soulmates is a fallacy, devoid of substance. By investing in such an illusion, you subject yourself to the following perils:

  1. It fosters complacency in relationships, where exertion and diligence become superfluous, for you are “destined” to be together.
  2. It ensnares you in toxic and detrimental relationships, as you disregard warning signs, erroneously perceiving dysfunction as normalcy in your supposed soulmate.
  3. It impedes your ability to extricate yourself from emotionally and mentally depleting relationships. You cleave to the notion that improvement is inevitable, placated by the fallacious mantra of soulmates.
  4. It impedes your capacity to move forward, instigating desires to revisit past relationships, succumbing to the allure of an ill-fated union, all in the name of soulmates.

A Soul Companion Need Not Await

Seek a companion whose compatibility harmonizes with your own. Dedicate yourself to nurturing a thriving partnership, one that evolves and flourishes with each passing day. Pour your heart and soul into sculpting the relationship of your choosing. The notion of a soulmate abneg