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Signs That You're in Close Proximity to Discovering "The One"

Updated: at 10:27 PM

This is not the moment to concede defeat.

She embodied perfection.

She was a visionary, driven to make a profound impact on the world.

A soul characterized by kindness and compassion. A person who cherished family, spirituality, and personal evolution. To add to her splendor, she imparted wisdom through the art of yoga and mindfulness.

We went on a few outings before her presence in my life gradually waned. I persistently attempted to arrange yoga classes with her, yet she ceased responding. How could a yoga instructor vanish without a trace when her students sought a romantic connection?

Every time my phone would illuminate, I would immediately fantasize that it was her, only to be disappointed.

I scoured Facebook and Instagram, wondering if she was away or occupied. Perhaps she was submerged in the depths of the sea, rendering communication impossible. Maybe she embarked on an intensive teacher training program in the Himalayas, where conversation and texting were prohibited. Or perchance, she embarked on a ten-day silent retreat where electronic devices were forbidden.

I was certain she was the perfect match for me. Finding individuals who harmonized with my essence was no easy feat, yet we shared comparable life experiences and possessed congruent perspectives.

In my mind’s eye, she was “the one.”

However, in reality, she wasn’t. No one had informed her that she occupied the esteemed position of being “the one” for me.

I couldn’t comprehend it—how could someone who seemed so flawlessly suited for me suddenly dismiss me?

She wasn’t the only woman whom I believed to be the epitome of perfection or “the one.”

Over the past couple of years, I encountered a few other women who aligned with that same profile—creative, spiritual, compassionate, and, most importantly, compatible with me.

Yet, for inexplicable reasons, none of these encounters or relationships endured. Each one disintegrated for its own unique rationale. One woman became engulfed in her work, leaving no time for our bond. Another determined that we would be better off as friends. And a third simply vanished over time.

Each of them embodied what was right, what was perfect, and the person I envisioned as my partner. Nonetheless, none of these relationships flourished.

What was amiss?

You may be facing similar experiences.

You may discover individuals with whom you share compatibility, individuals who appear to be “the one” for you.

Perhaps you’ve only been on a few dates, yet your emotions are intense, and you believe this person embodies your ideal counterpart.

This person is “the one” until they are no longer part of your life, and you realize they were “the one,” but not your one.

How could this be? How can you have so much in common, envision the same future, and yet this person vanishes, ghosts you, or disappears on a yoga retreat in the Himalayas, devoid of cellular reception!

If you are caught in this cycle of encountering exceptional people who align with your essence, speak the language of love as you do, and perceive the world through a congruent lens, do not succumb to despair.

You may need to relinquish the potential of these fleeting connections, but do not abandon the pursuit of meaningful relationships entirely.

You are closer than you think.

The person destined for me arrived a bit later.

It merely took her some time to manifest.


I was evolving. Engaged in personal growth, I experienced a surge of self-development. I elevated my emotional and vibrational frequency.

Each person who entered my life met me at the juncture of my evolution, reflecting the emotional and mental strides I had achieved at that stage.

Each individual came remarkably close to what I sought but fell slightly short.

Each date, each relationship that failed to materialize, every connection drew me progressively nearer to the person who would ultimately complement me.

Although those potential relationships or partners were not meant to be mine, I knew I was inching closer to encountering the person destined for me.

If you find yourself distant from your potential partner, meeting individuals who fail to pique your interest or prove incompatible, it’s time to embark on a self-improvement journey.

Devote yourself to emotional, spiritual, and mental growth. Focus on enhancing yourself and transcending towards a higher version of your being.

As your frequency elevates and your personal growth burgeons, you’ll attract individuals of superior caliber.

If you encounter people who match your vibrational energy, resonate with you on the same frequency, and closely resemble your “ideal” partner, you face a different predicament.

Regard this as a game of “hot and cold,” reminiscent of the childhood pastime of hide and seek.

You’re getting warmer when you encounter partners who align magnificently with you.

You’re getting colder when common ground is non-existent, and compatibility eludes you.

When you interact with potential partners who embody the traits you desire, yet the relationship ultimately fizzles out, do not lose hope in love or dating.

Persevere, because your genuine match is not far away. Continue to embark on the inner journey, raising your vibrational frequency to attract “the one”… “the true one.”

You’re growing progressively “hotter” (closer and closer) to discovering the right person for you, even if the dating process feels stagnant and frustrating.

Some may ghost you or fade away, leaving you wondering if they were truly meant for you.

As long as the individuals you attract possess a higher degree of compatibility and vibrational resonance, you are on the right path.

Whether these relationships flourish or wither away, they each serve as stepping stones on your path to discovering the ideal person and cultivating a meaningful connection.

You may feel exasperated and despondent amidst this protracted journey of dating, yet I urge you to remain focused and optimistic.

You might perceive your love life to be dwelling in the basement, unaware of the destination that awaits you.

The penthouse of your soulmate is within reach, not too far away. Maintain your resolve, foster personal growth, and continue embracing love.

The love you seek and the partner you yearn for are just around the bend.

Now is not the time to surrender. Keep going, so that when the right person enters your life, you are ready.